Photo Gallery:

Annual Parents Day 2025

Tour of Cheif Patron Soutul Awliya to Gool Ramban

Drug De-Addiction Program Organised by Soutul Awliya Samaj Sudhar Committee

Relief Distribution for Warwan fire victims

Blood Donation Camp organised by Soutul Awliya Halqa khanbal

Soutul Awliya Health Wing organised free Medical Camp in 2024

Milad Really 2023 under the leadership of President T.S.A Hazart moulana Fayaz ah Razvi sahab

welcome of Cheif patron after Detention from bail

visuals of Term ist (T1) examnation at Markaz Soutul Awliya

Tuberclosis Awareness program organised by Soutul awliya health wing

Eye Care Camp Organised by Soutul Awliya Health Wing


Result Day visuals on the 2nd day of Grand Annual soutul Awliya Confernce

2nd Day Visuals From Markaz Soutul Awliya on The occasion of Annual Soutul Awliya Conference

Ist Day Visuals from Markaz Soutul Awliya on the occasion of Annual Soutul Awliya

Meeting Related Preparation Of Annaul Soutul Awliya Conference .

Cleaness Drive at Markaz Soutul AWliya on the Ocassion of Annaul Conference

Tehreek-e-Soutul Awliya Health wing .

Azmat-e-Imam Hussain Conference


Visuals from meeting with South Kashmir Civil Society at Markaz Soutul Awliya

Meeting with Khudamaan e Ziyarat Reshi was held at Markaz Soutul Awliya


Weekly Tarbiyati Program preachers of Soutul Awliya


Education Board of Tehreek Soutul Awliya Jammu and Kashmir

Cleanness Drive by Tehreek Soutul Awliya Jammu and Kashmir

Womens Wing Tehreek Soutul Awliya Jammu and Kashmir

Tehreek Soutul Awliya Health related work

Centeral Library Tehreek Soutul Awliya

Alhaj Shyakh Ab.Rasheed Dawoodi
Patron in Chief TSA J&K


Moulana Ab Rasheed Dawoodi is a Kashmiri Sunni Muslim scholar, a fire brand orator, a staunch follower of Lineage Qadriya, and a well-known Madah e Rasool. He is the founder and lifelong serving chief patron of tehreek Sout-ul-Awliya Jammu and Kashmir. He is also an important constituent member of many religious organisations of Kashmir the notified among them is Mutahida Majlis Ulma jammu and Kashmir. Moulana Ab Rasheed Dawoodi was born of 11th November 1979 A.D in a small hamlet of Budroo Yaripora in district Kulgam of Kashmir. He was brought up in a pure practicing Muslim family of Ab Rehman Sheikh. The religious inclination of the family infused in him the spiritual and the religious development from the earlier childhood.


His father was his first teacher, where from he learnt the basic knowledge of Quran. For the basic primary education, he was admitted in Govt. Middle school badroo Yaripora in 1984. After passing 8th standard joined Higher Secondary School Yaripora and passed the 10th class examination. After matriculation in 1994 Moulana Dawoodi joined Idara Tehqeeqat-Islami Islamabad which is known for religious teaching and is a pioneer religious institute in the southern part of Kashmir founded by the then great Islamic personality Dr. Qazi Nisar (R.A) in the heart of Islamabad town, where from he was conferred with the Molvy degree in 1999. This was the time to start of political turmoil in Kashmir. After facing the sky high hardships. In 2001 Moulana Dawoodi finally completed Molvy Aalim, then Fazil and Masters in Islamic Studies from University of Kashmir in 2004 under the able guidance of Mufti Asadullah Nizami Misbahi. Moulana Dawoodi came into lime light primary by his heart touching melodious voice and came to known by the name Dawoodi for his sweet voice. Inspired by the knowledge and experience of Moulana Dawoodi, Idara Tehqeeqat Islami Islamabad appointed him as a teacher in the institute wherein he taught for more than three years. After the martyrdom of Dr. Qazi Nisar(R.A) the whole sect of Ahle-Sunnat was in despondency and it was very difficult to fill the void created by the death of Dr Qazi Nisar(R.A). As a result Moulana Dawoodi tried best and moved ahead with the torch of knowledge to transform society and moved forward the religious movement started by the Dr. QaziNisar (R.A). When the muslim ummah was in distress Moulana Dawoodi became the torchbearer with special focus on the life and teachings of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and organised seminars and conferences to review the teachings of Prophets, Saints and Reshis. The job was not easy keeping in the view the political uncertainty in Kashmir. Meanwhile Moulana Dawoodi was attacked many a times with grenades by ill-wishers, wherein he escaped death miraculously though injured many a times. It was November 2005 that Moulana Dawoodi along with some religious scholars laid the foundation of an organisation known as Sout-ul-Awliya (The voice of Saints). The organisation was introduced in an Islamic conference held at Kehribal Islamabad where Moulana Dawoodi revealed the constitution of the organisation among the galaxy of religious scholars and later on the foundation of the organisation was laid down by the hands of Alama Yaseen Akther Misbahi Sahab.

Chief Patron

Alhaj Shyakh Ab.Rasheed Dawoodi

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Events and PROGRAMMS

Recent Bayans

Offical Address

Tehreek-e-Soutul Awliya
Bagi Nowgam Ashaji pora Anantnag
Jammu and Kashmir 192101


Sout-ul-Awliya is a religious, peaceful, non-political and human welfare movement of the Quran and Sunnah and is making endeavours for the promotion of Spiritual teachings (Tasawuf) all over Jammu and Kashmir.

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